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Get specific json value

I am creating a quick VBA script to decipher a json response. This is a work laptop so can't install any other extensions. Via API I get a JSON responds. So far all works. But how do I only list…


How can I convert List<dynamic> to excel file type in Flutter

I need to download excel file to device, the api return is List, the sample data is shown below. {"data":[{"First Name":"1","Last Name":"Dulce","Gender":"Abril","Country":"Female","Age":"United States","Date":"32","Id":"15/10/2017"},{"First Name":"2","Last Name":"Mara","Gender":"Hashimoto","Country":"Female","Age":"Great Britain","Date":"25","Id":"16/08/2016"},{"First Name":"3","Last Name":"Philip","Gender":"Gent","Country":"Male","Age":"France","Date":"36","Id":"21/05/2015"},{"First Name":"4","Last Name":"Kathleen","Gender":"Hanner","Country":"Female","Age":"United States","Date":"25","Id":"15/10/2017"},{"First Name":"5","Last Name":"Nereida","Gender":"Magwood","Country":"Female","Age":"United States","Date":"58","Id":"16/08/2016"}]} My question is how can i…

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