Mysql – Database for storing PDF files
I am new to programming and I need some help trying to understand how this works. So I got assigned to create a database or a storage that will have mostly PDF documents in it. We keep those documents on…
I am new to programming and I need some help trying to understand how this works. So I got assigned to create a database or a storage that will have mostly PDF documents in it. We keep those documents on…
I am trying to read an excel file in laravel using Maatwebsite But I don't want to store it in the database. public function store(Request $request) { $rules = array( 'file' => 'required', ); $request->validate($rules); try { Excel::import($request->file('file'), function ($reader)…
I have been trying to make changes to a csv invoice that my company gets on a monthly basis. However, the File is 1.5 GB in size and contains over 1.500.000 rows with 36 columns. While I can open the…
I have an XmlDocument in OpenXML format. Looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?> <Workbook> <o:DocumentProperties> [snip] </o:DocumentProperties> <Styles> [snip] </Styles> <Worksheet ss:Name="Contract"> <Table> <Row> <Cell ss:StyleID="s38"> <Data ss:Type="String"/> </Cell> <Cell ss:StyleID="s38"> <Data ss:Type="String">System Number</Data> </Cell> <Cell ss:StyleID="s38"> <Data…
I and my friends are working on a personal project. It's kind of a quiz app and we have all the required data for the application in pdf format. And the pdf has some maths formulas and physics formulas in…
I am trying to set up a macro within VBA to pull a price from a specified website and update the price within my worksheet. I am not very experienced in VBA or HTML, so I followed some tutorials on…
So I have a situation where I need to convert an Excel sheet into an array of Json objects using Python3. The Excel sheet looks like the following: CARTS ITEMS Cart A Lemons Apples Strawberries Cart B Chocolate Cake Biscuits…
I have created Excel Add-in in Javascript (Node.js), I used Yeoman generator. My add-in adds custom formulas to Excel. How can I create installer for this? I don't want to publish it in Office Store, I want to publish it…
i am trying to import an excel file in my database, Laravel/mysql. I am using php spreadsheet library and trying to do my task with chunks because excel files can be too large. Problem is that, chunks are not working…
I'm working on a project to automate the extraction of data of how the various stock indices are performing into Excel from Yahoo Finance. But the problem is that all the code and help videos I have found online use…