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Error message "Thread 10: EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x10515fd44)" in Xcode

I have been getting these error messages in debug window in Xcode: 2023-06-06 07:46:15.412684-0500 Courier[8456:442818] [LayoutConstraints] Unsupported layout off the main thread for _UIModernBarButton with nearest ancestor view controller, UINavigationController 2023-06-06 07:46:15.413268-0500 Courier[8456:442818] [Assert] -[UIImageView _invalidateImageLayouts] must be called on…

VIEW QUESTION – Flexible way to handle exception in Web API

I'm currently making a web API with .NET 6. The code bellow is my Exception handler class: public class ExceptionsMiddleware { private readonly RequestDelegate requestDelegate; private readonly ILogger<ExceptionsMiddleware> logger; public ExceptionsMiddleware(RequestDelegate requestDelegate, ILogger<ExceptionsMiddleware> logger) { this.requestDelegate = requestDelegate; this.logger =…


Flutter – Why I can't check if `response.body` is null or not?

I am trying to see if a username already exist in the database or not, using the following code: Future<bool> checkUsername(userName) async { try { final response = await Uri.parse(''), headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, body: json.encode({'user_name': userName}), ); print('response ${response.body}');…


Why does json.NET give “Additional text encountered after finished reading JSON content”?

I'm trying to deserialize a JSON object. The value of the string 'plaintext' is: {"expiryDay":1,"expiryMonth":6,"expiryYear":2023,"machineGuid":"a3586fb9-b05e-46f1-a4a0-683a97109e34","name":"Alexander Farley"} This line throws an exception: var json = JObject.Parse(plaintext); The exception is: Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException: 'Additional text encountered after finished reading JSON content: . Path '',…

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