MongoDB Count By Current Month
I'm new to MongoDB. I need to get the count of the posts which are posted in this current month. PlateModel is my model I've kept timestamps true also. It looks like the below: { timestamps: true } My present…
I'm new to MongoDB. I need to get the count of the posts which are posted in this current month. PlateModel is my model I've kept timestamps true also. It looks like the below: { timestamps: true } My present…
Hello good evening can someone help me with this question please. I want to bring all the users by the name of the area when it exists. But the name of the area is in a populate. I have the…
I'm trying to build an App which allows the customer to download a custom document after his order (so, the product I'm selling it's a digital custom document in pdf). I'm trying to build that using React for the frontend,…
Below is the JSON file and I am trying to change the key name in offers from '_id' to 'id' [{ "offers": [{ "i": "", "a": "e": 25.3, "c": "A new concept in the ed-tech market. I can relate with…
hi am making models for my mongodb , and when validating i want the birthday to be required only if the user being added is a student so i if the user is teacher it is fine if no birthday…
Im trying to make a greater than query but it always returns an empty array. const productSchema = require("./productsSchema"); const getProductsGreaterThan = async (minimum_id) => { try{ console.log(minimum_id); const productById = await productSchema.find({id: {$gt:minimum_id}}); return productById } catch(err){ console.error(err); }…
In my node.js express application I am retrieving a user from my database const newUser = await User.create({ username, password, email, avatar, }) but before sending the response with the user object I want to remove the password. delete newUser.password;…
For example await Smartphones.findOne({_id:}) await Smartphones.findOne({_id: ObjectId(}) To me it seem both return object, but I don't if it have any benefit of using ObjectId when comparing
i have a controller function as: User.updateOne( { _id: "6252d87e010b3f94adcf4e41" }, { $pull: { newCart: { "post._id": "6249e216c1e3b6ae2d4aa273", }, }, }, {new:true} ).then((res) => console.log(res, user)); The response is like this: { acknowledged: true, modifiedCount: 1, upsertedId: null, upsertedCount: 0,…
I am working on express Api with mongoose to create get Api for my project. I was able to make one get call successfully. But I am not sure how to make api for sorting data by different fields Model…