Facebook api – Facebook Marketing API – user_role
me/adaccounts?fields=user_role What is the meaning of user_role? Is there a list of ID meanings?
me/adaccounts?fields=user_role What is the meaning of user_role? Is there a list of ID meanings?
I have to develop an automated process for fetching my Facebook page insights. Since, Access token used for authentication purpose is temporary in nature. Therefore, I created a Facebook App and by providing all required permissions I generated a Page…
I'm using the JavaScript API to log on to FaceBook, and I can call FB.api('/me?fields=id,name,email,picture,website', function(data) {...}); to get basic details from my profile. What I really want is a URL for my FaceBook profile that I can share with…
I am user PHP facebook API to get the Facebook's user data. And I am trying to get the total friends. I am using Graph API and it return this: { "id": "12312312312312", "name": "myName", "friends": { "data": [ ],…
GET▾→ /v2.7▾/pepsi?fields=fan_count I am new to graph API, I am interested in getting the facebook fan counts for different pages. Using Facebook Graph API explorer, the above code gives me for only 1 page, but if I want to get…
I have an application that is using facebook login and i wanted to add account kit for anyone who didn't want to use the facebook login or doesn't have a facebook account. The problem is that with account kit you…
I need to get the facebook page like count without user login. I want to show the count on my webpage. I don't want an FB Button, need to show the count only. I saw that several people are using…
I used to get the number of likes for my webpage from facebook with: http://api.facebook.com/restserver.php?method=links.getStats&format=json&urls=www.example.com But this doesn't work anymore. I tried: https://graph.facebook.com/fql?q=SELECT%20total_count%20FROM%20link_stat%20WHERE%20url=%22www.example.com%22 But this doesn't work either. I tried: http://graph.facebook.com/?ids=http%3a%2f%2fwww.example.com But this gives me only the share_count, not the…
I am trying to build an application with Ruby on Rails that gets the most recent Facebook posts from a public page and displays them in a certain way. Currently, I am planning to get the posts using the Koala…
I want to create a custom relative layout for fb login, and on click of this layout, the default fb login button should get triggered for fb login, using fb login api.