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Instagram API Basic Display: Problem with requesting access_token

I was following Instagram API Basic Display documentation. I've created Facebook App, configured Instagram Basic Display, added Test User, Authenticated the Test User using GET request: ?app_id={app-id} &redirect_uri={redirect-uri} &scope=user_profile,user_media &response_type=code But when I try to request access_token using POST…


I am getting an error when using the facebook api

File "", line 21, in <module> from facebookads.adobjects.adaccount import AdAccount File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/facebookads/adobjects/", line 1582 def get_insights(self, fields=None, params=None, async=False, batch=None, pending=False): ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax I am trying to use the Facebook API and I am getting this error. Not…


How to upload local image to facebook

I managed to upload an image to facebook using online URL but, when I try a local image using format file://path/to/imageI get the error {"error":{"message":"(#100) url should represent a valid URL","type":"OAuthException","code":100} is it doable ? or am doing it wrong…


Crawl Public Facebook Posts

I made a website where people can post links for other websites and then the backend generates a preview of the link (by using curl and parsing out the open graph tags available on most websites / by picking the…


Woocommerce – How to fix: FB-Pixel detected event code but the pixel has not activated

We have a Woocommerce Page with a Facebook Pixel integration, on the category pages the pixel fires the following code: content_type: product_group domain: www.xxxxxx.tld content_category: Not Set event_hour: 15-16 user_roles: guest content_name: Abo content_ids: Hide ["wc_post_id_4987","wc_post_id_4994","wc_post_id_4979","wc_post_id_4968","wc_post_id_4952"] We created pages in…

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