Facebook API rate limit increase
I'm working on a project which provide businesses to manage their facebook page, thus it will have tons of api call to Facebook. Is that possible to increase the rate limit by special request?
I'm working on a project which provide businesses to manage their facebook page, thus it will have tons of api call to Facebook. Is that possible to increase the rate limit by special request?
As Facebook changed their API and deprecated the old one, I need to get data (likes count, share count, comment count) about single pages. I figured out how to get data over Facebook graph (example link): https://graph.facebook.com/?fields=og_object{likes.limit(0).summary(true)},share&ids=http://www.businessinsider.com/airlines-dont-disclose-carrier-fee-that-inflates-ticket-prices-2016-9 But now I…
I'm trying to retrieve an access token for an authentication code. I'm using the following format: GET https://graph.accountkit.com/v1.0/access_token?grant_type=authorization_code&code=AUTH_CODE&access_token=AA|APP_ID|APP_SECRET where AUTH_CODE, APP_ID, and APP_SECRET are their respective values. Here is the python I use to assemble this URL: url = 'https://graph.accountkit.com/v1.0/access_token?grant_type=authorization_code&code='…
I am struggling to find a clear way, how to determine, if user is logged in with Facebook on my android application. Official Facebook documentation says that: You can see if a person is already logged in by checking AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken()…
me/adaccounts?fields=user_role What is the meaning of user_role? Is there a list of ID meanings?
Alright, so I'm trying to make a Facebook bot over here to do some stuff for me, But I don't really think that matters for you. Anyway, in order to achieve what I want to do I need to do…
Is possible to find out whether some facebook page is live streaming right now? I was looking at Facebook API and from there it seems to me that it is not possible since /{page_id}/live_videos seems to be working only if…
I'm using the JavaScript API to log on to FaceBook, and I can call FB.api('/me?fields=id,name,email,picture,website', function(data) {...}); to get basic details from my profile. What I really want is a URL for my FaceBook profile that I can share with…
I'm working on my framework for Facebook Messenger Platform Send API and I've got this error when trying to create an Airline Itinerary Template (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/send-api-reference/airline-itinerary-template): { "error": { "message": "(#-1) Send API unexpected internal error", "type": "OAuthException", "code": -1, "fbtrace_id":…
I'm trying to send a GET request to the Facebook Graph API using fetch: var url = "https://graph.facebook.com/v2.7/" +FACEBOOK_APP_ID +"?fields=context" +"{friends_using_app{id,name,picture.type(normal)}}" +"&access_token="+_this.props.user.facebook_access_token; fetch(url) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((responseJson) => { console.log(responseJson); }) .catch(function(error) { console.log(error); }); But I'm getting TypeError: Network…