Download File through JavaScript – Jquery
I have created a function to download the file, but the issue is it opens the file on the same tab, I a trying to force download this file in the system. I read other threads but didn't get the…
I have created a function to download the file, but the issue is it opens the file on the same tab, I a trying to force download this file in the system. I read other threads but didn't get the…
I am building a social media application that uses multiple user-uploaded images. I was told that the best tool for handling user-uploading images is Cloudinary, but if possible I want to directly store images in my database. I heard that…
Ok, I am very new to python and am only about to start swift. I am looking for a way to save a variable in python and use it in swift. I have never coded in swift so please give…
I'm trying to send a file selected using react-native-document-picker over WebRTC, but I can't seem to get to reading it to bytes. In a browser I would use a FileReader to read from<input type="file">. document.querySelector('input').addEventListener('change', function() { var reader =…
I have a data frame in PySpark and would like to save the file as a CSV with the current timestamp as a file name. I am executing this in Azure Synapse Notebook and would like to run the notebook…
Users can download image and video files from a server which are then stored temporarily under the app's Documents path and then copied from there to a custom album in the iOS photo library with either PHAssetChangeRequest.creationRequestForAssetFromImage or PHAssetChangeRequest.creationRequestForAssetFromVideo. This…
Im adapting a docker-compose.yml file to my usecase. The database im using is only a sqlite file and i would like to save that file to a volume...can i point a volume to a file and not a folder like…
So I want to upload large CSV files to a mongoDB cloud database using a Node.js server using Express, Mongoose and Multer's GridFS storage engine, but when the file upload starts, my database becomes unable to handle any other API…
I'm new to Kotlin and trying to read a text file in my app. I've been trying all the suggestions I can find without success. I've put a text file in assets and I've tried val resultLines ="myLines.txt").readLines() but…
I'm building a file upload web application using ASP.NET Core 6 and I would like the user to be able to confirm whether or not to overwrite an existing file. The application allows for multiple file uploads Questions: where to…