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firebase init genkit unsupported

I am following the Genkit with Firebase Cloud Functions tutorial and I'm getting the following error when running firebase init genkit: genkit is not a supported feature; must be one of database, firestore, functions, hosting, hosting:github, storage, emulators, remoteconfig, extensions,…


Firebase extension Error : emulated services will use a demo configuration and attempts to access non-emulated services for this project will fail

I am building an extension by reading this official documentation and getting error in 4 step, while start emulator in firebase extension firebase emulators:start --project=demo-test. Error : C:UsersRAJENDRA A VERMADesktopFirebase Extensionrtdb-uppercase- messagesfunctionsintegration-tests>firebase emulators:start --project=demo-test i emulators: Starting emulators: functions, database,…

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