Facing issue with buttons in a listview in Flutter
I am getting a list of users from firebase using StreamBuilder. I am trying to make an 'Add as a friend' button for the user to make friends with each other. But there is an issue I am facing. The…
I am getting a list of users from firebase using StreamBuilder. I am trying to make an 'Add as a friend' button for the user to make friends with each other. But there is an issue I am facing. The…
I am building an app with expo and react native. I'm using Google login through firebase. When I run the iOS development build the login functionality works perfectly. When I run the iOS preview build, however, I get the following…
I'm creating an android app and i have multiple repositories, each used in certain usecases classes. In my AppModule.kt file i provide all these constructors however i seem to have gotten errors about duplicate bindings and i'm not sure how…
I want to combine two firestore queries from the same collection. I want the result combination to be a Query. var a = lessons .withConverter<Lesson>( fromFirestore: (snapshot, _) => Lesson.fromFirestore(snapshot), toFirestore: (Lesson lesson, options) => lesson.toFirestore(), ) .where('private', isEqualTo: false);…
I am new to using Firebase and Flutter. While doing phone number authentication on firebase i'm getting Internal server error message. Please help. com.example.shubh_chintak is my package name I/zzh (18073): ForceRecaptchaFlow from phoneAuthOptions = false, ForceRecaptchaFlow from firebaseSettings = false…
My database has a users child with fields email and name, with the key being the users uid. Here are the database rules: { "rules": { "users": { "$uid": { "email": { ".read": "auth.uid == $uid", ".write": "auth.uid == $uid"…
I have a RecyclerView list in which I display all the documents (each document has its own collection with data) from Firestore, and the question is how to display its corresponding data from Firestore in a new fragment when clicking…
Good afternoon, I am developing my application and I want to implement a blue tick visualization system using FireStore database, here is a screenshot of the user's document: here is the whole code class ProfileMainWidget extends StatefulWidget { final UserEntity…
Even though google-services.json and GoogleService-info.plist files do not contain secrets, the higher-ups would like to rotate these files on occasion. If we do that, what happens on devices that do not have the most up-to-date files? Do the Firebase services…
I want to have a list contains the IDs of the documents in a collection for using the id as string in comparison with something else but I couldn't find the way to do that I wrote the following final…