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What is the best way to structure a todo list database with Firestore to create a reference between projects and tasks? – Flutter

I’m currently building a todo application with Flutter. Currently my structure looks like this: users/{userid}/projects/{projectid}/tasks/(all the tasks) (1) But I've also come up with the following idea. (2) users/{userid}/projects/{projectid} users/{userid}/tasks/{taskid} // All tasks hold a reference to the projectid Is…


How to count collections in Firebase SwiftUI

I would like to get a count of items within the collection e.g. total number of images saved by users, so that I can display them in the app's home page. I have found this documentation from Firebase's website…


"Range error (index) : invalid value" using Flutter

I have two lists: the first list is called PlanExerciseslist. Its data are retrieved from Firestore and the second list is list of checkboxes... Here is the code to understand: late List<bool> isChecked; isChecked = List<bool>.filled(LifeStyleCubit.get(context).PlanExerciseslist.length, false); The problem is…

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