firebase didnt add data using flutter app
the url showing error giving me cast error. i am using realtime database and i also use { "rules": { "Products": { ".read": "auth != null", ".write": "auth != null" } } } when i add data the data is…
the url showing error giving me cast error. i am using realtime database and i also use { "rules": { "Products": { ".read": "auth != null", ".write": "auth != null" } } } when i add data the data is…
const querySnapshot = await getDocs(collection(db, "posts")); Need to order querySnapshot by 'eventdate' and in 'desc' order. const querySnapshot = await getDocs(collection(db, "posts", orderBy('eventDate', 'desc'))) Have attempted to implement this way but no success, the entries on firebase just stopped loading.
I'm currently writting a code to fetch a firebase data in initState. But no matter what I do it does't return or does't store data so I get following error. I'm getting error at code Text(userName["username"].toString()) Exception has occurred. NoSuchMethodError…
okay so what i am trying to achieve is delete the marked data when the elevated button is pressed here is the image data inside firestore, here is my code to upload data, its map right ? // setting received_request…
If I add a Section in this database it says "Failed to convert the value of type java.util.ArrayList to String" I am using recyclerviewoption query to display only the current user data. I need to display the child "List". Firebase…
I’m currently building a todo application with Flutter. Currently my structure looks like this: users/{userid}/projects/{projectid}/tasks/(all the tasks) (1) But I've also come up with the following idea. (2) users/{userid}/projects/{projectid} users/{userid}/tasks/{taskid} // All tasks hold a reference to the projectid Is…
I would like to get a count of items within the collection e.g. total number of images saved by users, so that I can display them in the app's home page. I have found this documentation from Firebase's website…
I have two lists: the first list is called PlanExerciseslist. Its data are retrieved from Firestore and the second list is list of checkboxes... Here is the code to understand: late List<bool> isChecked; isChecked = List<bool>.filled(LifeStyleCubit.get(context).PlanExerciseslist.length, false); The problem is…
Using scrollview, I created a system that retrieves the first 10 users from the database and returns the remaining users in the scroll. The last user will be null at first, and then the value will be assigned. I think…
I am currently dealing with pagination with addSnapshotListener in Firebase's firestore and it appears there's no easy way to implement Snapshot with pagination. Original premise: I started the implementation with addSnapshotListener as follows: db.collectionGroup("images") .order(by: "createdTime") .whereField("featured", isEqualTo: true) .addSnapshotListener…