Firebase – Organize groups with timestamps in NoSQL
I have a question regarding the formatting of data in a nosql database I have the following use case: n User can be in n Groups where each user has 1 time goal per day 1 time he is currently…
I have a question regarding the formatting of data in a nosql database I have the following use case: n User can be in n Groups where each user has 1 time goal per day 1 time he is currently…
I'm trying to get pinned article const getCurrentlyPinned = async() =>{ setLoader(true) await firestore() .collection('admin_control') .doc('currently_Pinned') .get() .then(snapshot =>{ const data =; setpinnedNewsID(data.pinnedNewsId) }) } useEffect(() => { getCurrentlyPinned().then(()=>{ console.log(pinnedNewsID) }) }, []) therefore calling it from useEffect and…
I have a cross platform flutter app. I am using FCM to send notifications and they are not arriving on the iOS app in any state (foreground, background, terminated). I am testing on a physical device. The notifications work on…
I am building a Flutter app with Firebase Firestore, Cloud Functions and Messaging. I am trying to send and receive notifications. The notifications work when: The app is in the foreground and I create a new document in my collection…
So i was trying to use firebase for my flutter backend. When i tried to enter the command "dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli" the cmd Suddenly close itself. I tried to open the cmd as an administrator and run the…
I am struggling to understand why my event listener that I initialize on a document is not being triggered whenever I update the document within the app in a different UIViewController. If I update it manually in Google firebase console,…
I'm trying to set up the Firebase setting to link to FlutterFlow. I've followed the instruction, but I am unable to add the role for Cloud Functions Admin. When I started typing Cloud Functions in the search box, I could…
I am developing a flutter application that let users video call each other using Agora Rtc Engine. I am pushing notification using firebase messaging with cloud function when a user schedules a call and that is working fine even after…
I have this issue and can't figure out how to solve it, addDoc() and setDoc() functions separately without using "if" "else" work correctly, but when I use "if" "else" it gives me this error. "Error adding product to cart: TypeError:…
I am using latest version of flutter 3.7.2 My app has google ads and firebase dependency for which is use following pubs latest versions admob_flutter: firebase_messaging: firebase_core: Everthing is working perfect but when I have uploaded app on playstore it…