generate array from a dynamic list in flutter
hi i am starting to work with flutter and now i have the following problem. I am getting a dynamic list in is a collection from firebase and I need to create a new data array from this list, I…
hi i am starting to work with flutter and now i have the following problem. I am getting a dynamic list in is a collection from firebase and I need to create a new data array from this list, I…
How to throw an error if firestore document does not exist? const cancel = (id) => { if(window.confirm("Are you sure to cancel this appointment ?")) { const userDoc = doc(db, 'accounts', id) deleteDoc(userDoc) } }
Im trying to make a To-do app. I can get all the information from firebase in the console, however the only item I can get to display in the ui is the last one. How can i display all of…
I am building a flutter app and I am trying to create a method that will enable users to be registered in Firebase as well as storing their data in Firestore. I am getting an error where the body is…
I have a bloc that keeps user data -via firebase- on the state. It works as it is but when the user signs out and sign in again, I can't update the bloc with new user data. Eg. User_1 (name:…
Can anyone help mi solve this problem? I want to show list of users in the app. Logcat error: E/RecyclerView: No adapter attached; skipping layout User code data class Users(val userId : String = "", val name : String =…
I'm trying to save records in the cloud firestore using flutter. The thing is that it only adds one element and keeps updating its values whenever I add a new one through the app. Here is my code: Future addInterventionToDB(String…
I created a todoApp using firebase firestore. Authentication with Firebase I did. But when I add a todo, all other users see that todo. I want to create a personal todo list. my codes: export default function DailyScreen({ navigation })…
I want to run a transaction to update data in the Cloud Firestore using cloud_firestore_odm. This code works fine: usersRef .doc('foo_id') .update( name: 'John', ); But this one doesn't. I'm doing something wrong, can anyone tell me how to properly…
Hi I am trying in src>index.js ` import {initializeApp} from 'firebase/app' ` I am learning from a video. When the man in the video wrote this code, he wrote that it is being calculated next to him in green, but…