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Firebase – GeoFire Swift Package Manager

I have tried to install GeoFire in Xcode/Swift. According to the documentation (, this is done by adding "GeoFire/Utils" to Podfile. However, once installed I see errors. I'm suspecting this is caused from incompatibility with Firebase 10.23.1? Why is this…


Flutter Build Fails with Kotlin Version Incompatibility

I am working on a Flutter project and I'm facing an issue related to Kotlin versions. When I try to build my project, I get the following error messages indicating a version mismatch between Kotlin modules: e: C:/Users/digit/.gradle/caches/transforms-3/431ce31617111116ed092b20fb775fda/transformed/jetified-kotlin-stdlib-1.9.0.jar!/META-INF/kotlin-stdlib-jdk7.kotlin_module: Module was…

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