Does Google authentication in firebase provide a default password when creating a user in firebase database
Does Google authentication in Firebase provide a default password when creating users in the Firebase database?
Does Google authentication in Firebase provide a default password when creating users in the Firebase database?
Firebase functions: const functions = require("firebase-functions"); const admin = require('firebase-admin'); admin.initializeApp(); exports.chatNotifications = functions.firestore.document("chat/{docId}").onCreate( (snapshot, context) => { admin.messaging().sendToTopic( "chat", { notification: {title: "New message", body: "A new message has been sent"}, data: {click_action: "FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK"}, } ); } ); Flutter:…
We are trying to use Firebase Analytics but when we build our Unity project we get a CocoaPods installation failure: None of your spec sources contain a spec satisfying the dependency: `Firebase/Analytics (= 10.0.0)`. You have either: * out-of-date source…
I'm facing with an issue in the comment section of the app i'm working on (Instagram based). I have created a comment setion with a like button (that changes colours when the uid of the user is present in the…
I am trying to run the flutter application on the android studio before now all works perfectly but after I changed my targetSdkVersion to targetSdkVersion 31 I started getting this error that says Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugAarMetadata'. > Could…
I'm trying to create a rule for create/access the FRD data based on authenticated user. But am getting an error where running the Rules Playground What I want is, Users are creating the categories. So Users is able to only…
I'm creating a simple chat app wherein every chatbubbles will be shown in a RecyclerView, now I noticed that every time ill enter a new data coming from Firebase RealTime Database, the old data's / or let's say the old…
We are a team of developers working on an app for one and a half years, with the backend using Firebase and Firestore as cloud database. We have several owners and contributors to this project. Now our Firestore data and…
Currently, I am working on a flutter project that uses Realtime Database in Firebase. This app has an update functionality for the details of the user. I have successfully implemented the updating functionality as it is being stored in the…
I'm looking for a way to add watermark to videos in Flutter. I prefer not to use the package but if I don't have a choice, then I would use packages. Any ideas or suggestions? Thank you!