Access Denied – After Typing Firebase Init?
I just registered my own domain on GCP and instead, created a new GCP. I wanted to migrate my old GCP to new one. So, I signed in using firebase login:ci. The new window opened up to choose my account…
I just registered my own domain on GCP and instead, created a new GCP. I wanted to migrate my old GCP to new one. So, I signed in using firebase login:ci. The new window opened up to choose my account…
I have a command I execute on a pipeline : firebase hosting:channel:deploy --only main --project test-project --config firebase.json test This command apparently throw out those outputs => urls The url(s) deployed to expire_time The time the deployed preview urls…
I have a simple app with Firebase database (Realtime Database). I know that I am using a non relational database. Not the best for complex queries. example Database Structure 1. For example, if I want to find the recipes with…
I am creating an app that is similiar in function with instagram and i have come across an issue when posting a new photo. When a user posts a new photo it is saved into this state. const [posts, setPosts]…
I am using signInWithCustomToken() after initiating it on the server. async function signinWithToken(data, sendResponse) { const { token } = data; console.log(token); signInWithCustomToken(auth, token) .then((user) => { console.log(user); sendResponse({ success: true, user }); }) .catch((err) => { sendResponse({ success: false,…
The FDL has been working fine in production for a few weeks and has suddenly started show this error in the browser as if it does not have a valid SSL certificate. The FDL is generated via the API. Is…
I have a Firestore collection called users that stores all my user info. When registering a new user, I first register them with Firebase Auth, then create the record in the users collection. Right now I'm storing the UID as…
In my View Model I have created a function that uploads audio file to Firebase Storage.Then I want to close my fragment but only if the file was already uploaded so I have to wait for coroutine to complete job.…
After updating my Firebase dependencies (need new features) i've been trying to deploy them without success. firebase deploy --only functions Before the update everything worked fine. Here is the Firebase documentation page for logging. require("firebase-functions/lib/logger/compat"); Now the logging fails…
I am trying to signup the user but getting this error type 'TextEditingController' is not a subtype of type 'String' Here is my code: import 'package:get/get.dart'; import 'package:get/get_core/src/get_main.dart'; import 'package:get/get_navigation/get_navigation.dart'; import 'package:shoppingmart/common_widget/app_logo_widget.dart'; import 'package:shoppingmart/common_widget/bg_widget.dart'; import 'package:shoppingmart/common_widget/custom_textfield.dart'; import 'package:shoppingmart/common_widget/our_button.dart'; import 'package:shoppingmart/const/consts.dart';…