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FCM FirebaseMessaging.onMessageOpenedApp Won't work

Although all the other functions work perfectly, I receive the message and display it in all conditions, in the background, foreground or initial message. in the background: Future<void> backgroundHandler(RemoteMessage message) async { print(; print(message.notification!.title); } FirebaseMessaging.onBackgroundMessage(backgroundHandler); in the foreground: FirebaseMessaging.onMessage.listen((message)…


Problems with creating new user in firebase

There's something wrong with this function here, that I'cant find the reason for, I'm trying to add new users to my firebase database, and it doesn't work exports.createUserWithEmailAndPassword = functions.https.onCall( async(data, context) => { const { adminEmail, adminPassword, adminNome, role,…


Flutter firebase does not initialize

am getting this error. Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(null-error, Host platform returned null value for non-null return value., null, null) I have updated all firebase packages in .yaml, i still have this error E/flutter (11230): [ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(null-error, Host platform returned…

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