Firebase – Every time view is seen, the name keeps on adding to itself
I know that this sounds a bit dumb, but how do you call a function only once. I have a tab bar at the bottom of my app, and every time that it is called, the name that I got…
I know that this sounds a bit dumb, but how do you call a function only once. I have a tab bar at the bottom of my app, and every time that it is called, the name that I got…
How can I update a users claims if the map returned is an immutable map? This is example code from Firebase Auth docs on how to update claims: UserRecord user = FirebaseAuth.getInstance() .getUserByEmail("[email protected]"); Map<String, Object> currentClaims = user.getCustomClaims(); //This returns…
I am building an automation process for my app, which includes creating several new Firebase projects. (After a lot of investigation, I am sure that several projects are needed, and that it cannot be done with just one project). I…
I tried to create authentication on react, but now I am currently stuck as my try and catch block is not working. When I click the signup button, I am not getting any error nor any response from the site.…
android/app/build.gradle defaultConfig { // TODO: Specify your own unique Application ID ( applicationId "" // You can update the following values to match your application needs. // For more information, see: minSdkVersion flutter.minSdkVersion targetSdkVersion flutter.targetSdkVersion versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger() versionName flutterVersionName…
I'm trying to create an application that can read the values from a Firestore array and put them into an ArrayList or something, this is my code: ArrayList<Integer> driverPermissions = new ArrayList<>(); Firestore.collection("Admins").document("1234567890").get().addOnCompleteListener(task -> { DocumentSnapshot document = task.getResult(); driverPermissions…
I set up App Check for iOS and Android on Flutter. iOS devices are working fine and able to access my RT Database and Cloud Functions. However, Android devices are blocked. I used the SHA-256 certificate fingerprint generated on Google…
I am trying to filter a collection by a field value and also get all entries where the field is equal to null. Since the in operator does not support null values, I can not take the simple route and…
Only after a certain amount of time does this error occur. But if remove the extension from chrome and re-add it, it won't happen for a while. This only happens in the popup.html file for some reason. The error: Error:…
I created a login mechanism with phone number. I want to check if the phone number is already registered or not, but the function I created will always return false. How to make it wait until the task is finished…