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Invalid JSON files in FireBase

I want to import json file in Realtime Database of firebase but showing error "Invalid JSON file" even though the json in a file is valid and my quota limit has not been disabled yet.My file size is about360 MB…


Updating multiple docs in firebase

let's say that i wanna update a serie of documents, i'm doing it using forEach like this. students.forEach(async (name) => { const docRef = doc(db, "students", name); await updateDoc(docRef, { school: "Some School", }); }); And it's working fine, but…


Firebase setData not saving to Firestore

Attempting to update values in my database. I checked and the type of ema.updatedIngredients that I'm passing to saveFunctions is a valid type in firestore. The saveRecipe function works fine if I would use updateData. It deletes the documents as…

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