FizzBuzz quiz in js array – Javascript
Trying to write a fizzBuzz quiz to generate the word "fizz" for any number in an array divisible by 5, and the word "Buzz" for number divisible by 3 and lastly "fizzBuzz" for number divisible by 5 and 3 using…
Trying to write a fizzBuzz quiz to generate the word "fizz" for any number in an array divisible by 5, and the word "Buzz" for number divisible by 3 and lastly "fizzBuzz" for number divisible by 5 and 3 using…
You need to write a query that outputs a sequence of digits from 1 to 1000. If the number is a multiple of three, then Fizz is output instead of a number. If it is a multiple of five, then…