Show/hide widget with drop-down drawer animation with Flutter
With flutter, is there a way to show or hide widget with this type of animation : Thanks in advance, :)
With flutter, is there a way to show or hide widget with this type of animation : Thanks in advance, :)
As it can be seen in the GIF below that whenever the child exits the parent Container the child disappears without animation, which creates a bad impression on the user. How to add a smooth transition exit for the entering…
I want to implement the following animation in Flutter. I would appreciate the resources from you all. Reference: 8 ball pool game coins animation. ANIMATION: Here is another example in a Lottie Animation: I tried searching around without taking…
I'm trying to make it so that two widgets are placed in a row that divide it in half. When you click on one of them, it moved apart, and the second disappeared. But so far I get overflow when…
I want to draw something like image below but I have no clue how to do this:( I think I should use paint method to draw this. using row and creating 2 container with decoration and circle shape(using box decoration…
I have created 'Rememnber Password' UI in my login screen with below code which is inside Row() widget : Wrap( alignment:, children: [ Checkbox( checkColor: Colors.white, value: isChecked, onChanged: (bool? value) { setState(() { isChecked = value!; }); },…
I am using PageView along with BottomNavigationBar for navigating through my app. I like the scrolling animation/transition between the pages when scrolling or navigating to a different page. But the problem is, when I navigate "far distances" (for example, navigating…
How to create a custom spinner in flutter and how to make it animate with ease-in animation. I need a spinner with gradient color with rounded corner as attached bellow. The gradient Hex code are: #FF9702, #FE6F27, #FE395D, #FE0096 The…
How to create custom bottom navigation bar in flutter with different custom shape. how to create custom rounded container with gradient background for bottom navigation bar buttons. How to make simple ease-in animation on it.
How to fix this Constant value error actions: [ IconButton( icon: Icon( Icons.cancel, color:, ), onPressed: () { Navigator.pop(context); }, ) ] Click Here I have provided a code snippet for a Flutter application that includes an IconButton widget…