How to make the tab in flutter?
I want to make this design using tab in flutter. But when I'm trying to make it using tab controller but when we not select another one then it's background should be grey I'm trying it but it is not…
I want to make this design using tab in flutter. But when I'm trying to make it using tab controller but when we not select another one then it's background should be grey I'm trying it but it is not…
I am trying to seperate or removing a string. Here the example: String sample = ""; i want to get only "xyz-api", this string and want to store a variable, the expected output = String result = "xyz-api" How to…
i want to switch between screen in flutter, when i switch screen from main screen to second screen it work fine whenever i press back button from Second Screen the app become black and it show error message 5243 pos…
I'm trying to return data from my future provider and use it inside my GridView widget but I got that error. The URL is returning status and data: {"status":"success","data":[{"items_id":5,etc}} Here is my fake_product_repository.dart: class ProductsRepository { Future<List<Product>> fetchProductsList() async {…
What is the point of using RiverpodGenerator or Freezed as I understand we could just do CRUD operations to implement our data using models. But why, when and how do we use RiverpodGenerator?
I'm trying to remove the debug banner from my application and I added debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false in my main.dart and every activity but still showing the debug banner. Main.dart import 'package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:intrackapp/login/splash_screen.dart'; import 'package:khalti_flutter/khalti_flutter.dart'; import 'login/firebase_options.dart'; Future<void> main()…
How can I pass the ontap function to each icons items: const <BottomNavigationBarItem>[ BottomNavigationBarItem( icon: Icon(, label: 'Calls', ), BottomNavigationBa ], onTap: (i) { }, i pass it to each items
No implementation found for method placemarkFromCoordinates on channel Here is my Location Provider code: List<Placemark> placemarks = await placemarkFromCoordinates(latitude, longitude); selectedAddress = placemarks.first; I have tried changing the method but i dont understand the root of the erro. Is…
I updated my flutter project's following two dependencies: firebase_auth: ^4.4.0 firebase_core: ^2.9.0 And since then whenever I try to launch the project I get ARC Semantic Issue (Xcode): No known class method for selector 'appleCredentialWithIDToken:rawNonce:fullName:' /Users/saadbashir/.pub-cache/hosted/ Following are the dependencies…
I have successfully pub get the screenutill package from but it is still giving error. I shared a problem related to flutter screen utill package and expect solution from developers.