Flutter – Dialog not showing data
I am trying to get data from an API, which I did successfully, and show the data in a dialog box on my Flutter App. Initially what I did was create a function void _showDialog() right after the function where…
I am trying to get data from an API, which I did successfully, and show the data in a dialog box on my Flutter App. Initially what I did was create a function void _showDialog() right after the function where…
When the user is moving around in my Flutter application, I wish to be able to track where the user goes and how they reach it. For now, it seems that the router would be updated when a user is…
I am working on flutter app, where I am generating QR code for payment. When user click on Generate QR code button, it will call an API which return svg. My problem is that when I receive this svg from…
I know there are several similar questions listed, but I can not resolve it after I tried some solutions from previous questions. :( I want to do a network check and show a dialog if it has no network connection,…
I have a two screens. Screen A and Screen B. I have a button on Screen A. when I click on it. It shows a dialog. after that I have a used Future.delayed(). when duration is over I move to…
I'm working on a website made in Flutter. I want that after some action is completed successfully, a dialog is displayed, it closes automatically, and it goes back to the previous page. My problem is that I can't make the…
I was using Navigator 1 then I migrated to go_router to support deep links and web. Sometimes when I send HTTP requests, I show a loading dialog using showDialog() until the response is processed, after processing I need to check…
How can I to close all the showDialogs in my aplication? in this case _mostrarDialogConfirmacion is the dialog where i request to the user a confirmation to make a query, cargandoDialog is another dialog where i show a loading message…
I have made a SimpleDialog to give the user the option to modify, but I have noticed that on small screens it doesn't scroll so it is cut off and cannot even be accepted. I have seen in some other…