Java – Multi-colored text – Photoshop
I would like to have some text but have each character have more colors. Here is an example, please ignore the eggs for o's, those are just part of my logo. The first image was created with Photoshop and the…
I would like to have some text but have each character have more colors. Here is an example, please ignore the eggs for o's, those are just part of my logo. The first image was created with Photoshop and the…
I m making a web site from photoshop sketch. And I have a text wit font-family Segoe Ui and font-style: Light. In photoshop It looks like this: So how to set this in css to p element? p { }
I photoshopped a user interface for an app which I want to create. The width of the background of the photoshopped image was 640px and I typed in the app name using 24pt font. The app name took up about…
I have a "small" question about naming and font-weight. Here's what I understand: 900 - Black 800 - Extra bold 700 - Bold 600 - Semi bold 500 - Medium 400 - Normal 300 - Light 200 - Extra light…
I'm working in a layout for an ebay store. I know that ebay have restrictions using javascript code but you can call with a tag. So, Can I use google web fonts api or any type of custom fonts?…
Is it possible to know text dimensions in Matlab? For example, is it possible to know the following measures UPDATE I need no image processing. I know I can deduce the location of baseline of "g" letter with simple commonly…