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How to create a loop for the following code? – Jquery

I wrote the following code: $("#img1").add("#label1").fadeIn(); $("#img1").click(function() { $(this).attr("src", "/abc/xyz.png"); $("#content1").add("#img2").add("#label2").fadeIn(1000); }); When I click on img2, the image source ishould change and content2 as well as img3 / label3 should be displayed.When I reach img5, just content5 should be…


React Native Radio Button Inside ListView

DISCLAMER!! I've looked everywhere and tried: React-Native-Paper, react-native-radio-buttons-group and react-native-simple-radio-button but have not found what I'm looking for. DISCLAMER!! I'm trying to create radio buttons that should exist inside a loop. The loop, loops through a list of questions and…

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