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Why option element not appending inside both select tag only appending at last select tag? – Html

Html: <div class="from"> <select name="" class="droplistOptions" > <!--insert option element here--> </select> </div> <p class="to-seprator">To</p> <div class="to"> <select name="" class="droplistOptions" > <!--insert option element here also --> </select> </div> Javascript Code: const droplists = document.querySelectorAll('.droplistOptions'); countryNames = ['usa', 'India', 'china',…


How to loop this array and save to database? – PHP

I have this array to save to database: {"i_barcode_id":["3","3"],"i_barcode_sn":["8999999565404","6933412700043"]} how do I save it to DB so the databse should be like this. i_barcode_id i_barcode_sn 3 8999999565404 3 6933412700043 this is my current script. foreach($myarray as $row){ $dataadd_sto_d = array…


Json – Search for text in an array nodeJS

I have the following data let rawdata = fs.readFileSync('test.json'); let orders = JSON.parse(rawdata); Rawdata data looks like this [{"order":["Awaiting delivery","Order date: Dec 18, 2022","Order ID: 11111111","Copy","Order details","store name","product name","1, 1","US $1.73x1","Total: US $5.39","Confirm receipt","Track order"]},{"order":["Awaiting delivery","Order date: Dec 18, 2022","Order…

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