PHP Date period array as single string
I am attempting to produce a single string with 2 values dates and cost If a user selects a start date of 1/1/2025 and an end date of 3/1/2025 and the cost is 250 I am looking to build a…
I am attempting to produce a single string with 2 values dates and cost If a user selects a start date of 1/1/2025 and an end date of 3/1/2025 and the cost is 250 I am looking to build a…
Usually I end up finding a solution by browsing StackOverflow, but here I come up short! Here is the structure of my categories in the database Parent category A (category_id = 1) Child category B (category_id = 2) Child category…
I have a test for my final course. I made some function but it stuck on sum of value array. I call the data from MySQL $stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT,id_penyakit,nama_penyakit,id_puskesmas,nama_puskesmas,created_at FROM riwayat r WHERE id_puskesmas = :id_puskesmas"); $stmt->bindValue(':id_puskesmas', $page_cat); $stmt->execute();…
I wrote a code javascript code that will display the complete write up of a particular text which happens to be in three location in my html, but instead of displaying just the particular one that was clicked, its displaying…
I am trying to get a forEach loop to write a table row that consists of a variable from both a shallow nested object and a deep nested object. I have this JSON object: var chardata = [{ "moveList": [{…
I am creating a Blazor webassembly application and ran into an issue when looping over content to generate urls to mp3 files. The media files are called "1.mp3", "2.mp3", "3.mp3" ... etc. Assume you have a razor page with this…
Since PHP7.1, a foreach() expression can implement array destructuring as a way of unpacking row values and make individualized variable assignments for later use. When using array destructuring within the head/signature of a foreach() loop, can new elements be declared…
I am doing an online course and practising what I am learning. I just wanted to create a function, that takes an object and loops through an array element of the object using forEach. So I don't want to change…
I'm writing simple rock-paper-scissors game. In this piece of code I'm trying to assign id value of the clicked img to a variable using .forEach method. It just doesn't work. If statements does work but somehow string doesn't add to…
My IntersectionObserver uses a forEach method to call some functions if a condition is met per each item of an array: const sections = document.querySelectorAll("section") function removeHighlight(id) { someElementArray[id].classList.remove('highlight') } function addHighlight(id) { someElementArray[id].classList.add('highlight') } function onObserve(entries, observer) { entries.forEach((entry)…