Javascript – Can this function be called pure?
I think this is a pure function as it abide by the rules to be a pure function. It always return the same output. It has no side effects. But in a medium blog, they said that this is a…
I think this is a pure function as it abide by the rules to be a pure function. It always return the same output. It has no side effects. But in a medium blog, they said that this is a…
what can I do to make this function not work and give a warning when the device is offline? I would appreciate your help. Code: if (adType == Sdkmanager.AD_REWARDED) Website2APK.showInterstitialAd(); {
This one has me stumped. So, if we want to add a custom class to the body class, easy to create a filter like so. /** * Body Class * */ function jm_custom_body_class( $classes ) { $classes[] = 'custom-class'; return…
OK I have a system that generates subscriptions from customers related to Service,. Account (email) belonging to that service. Profile related to the account. All this is associated to a client, but to be able to see it at the…
how you are calling a cubit function from a void function of stateless/ful widget. I assume in an ideal world all functions should be placed in cubits but similar to<MyCubit>().myfunction(); which i can use in onpressed of a Button…
The simple code explains my problem best: <html> <head> <script> function showDiv (divId, dat){ document.getElementById(divId).innerHTML = dat ; document.getElementById(divId).style.display = "block" ; } </script> </head> <body> <div onclick="showDiv(1, '<div onclick='showDiv(2, 'test C');'>test B</div>')">test A</div> <div id="1" style="display:none;"></div> <div id="2" style="display:none;"></div>…
function Min(ID) { $Number = document.getElementById(ID); if ($Number.value < 1 && $Number.value !== "") { $Number.value = 1; } } echo ' <form id="' . $Item2 . '"> <input type="image" src="AddToCart.png" style="margin:5px; float:left; font-size:25px;" width="65px" height="33" id="' . $EAN2 .…
I'm learning about functions in JavaScript and I'm confused about the role of console.log() and return. function reusableFunction() { console.log("Hi World"); } reusableFunction(); I understand this function logs "Hi World" to the console. My questions are: Why doesn't this function…
I tried changing numbers, plus i also tried removing and re-adding math floor but the outcome was still the same. It's supposed to give different number every time but in my case it's only giving one number as an output…
I am trying to do write a code for a function that displays a boolean after checking if the value is an integer or not. see my definition of an integer in my ideal outputs below when i call the…