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how to execute two asynchronous functions with flutter?

I have two functions in flutter. the first one is belManager.writeCharacteristic and the second one is belManager.disonnect I want to execute belManager.disonnect() after belManager.writeCharacteristic is completed. However for some reason bleManager.disonenct() is called before belManager.writeCharacteristic is completed. this is the…


In an Azure Function, how do I access the information logged to the console from within the code

I have an Azure Function that runs every half hour. I have set the log configuration to redirect to the console. Configuration.Default.Logger.Level = PureCloudPlatform.Client.V2.Client.LogLevel.LTrace; Configuration.Default.Logger.Format = LogFormat.JSON; Configuration.Default.Logger.LogRequestBody = true; Configuration.Default.Logger.LogResponseBody = true; Configuration.Default.Logger.LogToConsole = true; Configuration.Default.Logger.LogFilePath = tempFolder+"\dotnetsdk.log"; I…

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