Advanced Custom Field Before Price – Woocommerce
Im currently using a plugin to prepend the word "from" before some of my onsite prices, but im trying to hardcode this so i can remove the plugin as it slows down my site. I feel like im close, but…
Im currently using a plugin to prepend the word "from" before some of my onsite prices, but im trying to hardcode this so i can remove the plugin as it slows down my site. I feel like im close, but…
I created an if statement to test if either field is blank and to make sure the values of the form are making it to the function. I've tried a few variations to the HTML and JavaScript on either ends…
I have a WooCommerce webshop with different kind of beers from all over the world. If you return a empty bottle you get a deposit of 0,10 or something like that. I made an ACF (Advanced Custom Field) where I…
I was wondering if is there any simple solution to a problem that we face. I am managing an underwear website and we have single packs and packs of 3. Many new customers are ordering the 3 packs and if…
I am learning about static variables in PHP and came across this code in PHP manual. <?php function test() { static $count = 0; $count++; echo $count; if ($count < 10) { test(); } $count--; } ?> I couldn't understand…
The question is related on Linux like Debian or Ubuntu, bash and a given function which use RANDOM. Every improvement should use bash only. Given are the follow function: getRND(){ min="${1:-1}" ## min is the first parameter, or 1 if…
Say I have a function as following. alert_danger returns the error message in red box. check_empty checks if a value posted from form is empty or not. function alert_danger($msg){ $alert = "<div class='alert alert-danger' id='responseBox'>".$msg."</div>"; return $alert; } function checkEmpty($postValue,…
I have a function to animate spinner inside my view, and inside this function I added two functions to start and stop the animation whenever needed, I need to call the function inside this main function, is there a way…
Im using Facebook API, trying to create a custom async function createAudience(data) { try { console.log(` Upload: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`); return await`{account_id}/audience`, data); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } And it works just fine, but I need to access the…
I have this working code: from telegram import Update from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, CallbackContext updater = Updater('token') def hello(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) -> None: update.message.reply_text('Hello!') updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('hello', hello)) updater.start_polling() updater.idle() I wish to have a separate file for each function…