how to set GEOMETRY in MySQL using JSON
I want to update my dataset and use the GEOMETRY datatype instead of using latitude and longitude. The problem is I have set a geo column in my table with the datatype yet I can't put my data in it.…
I want to update my dataset and use the GEOMETRY datatype instead of using latitude and longitude. The problem is I have set a geo column in my table with the datatype yet I can't put my data in it.…
I'd like to update the geometry definition to include a specific SRID CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW published.ql_cmd_cruise_layer_web TABLESPACE pg_default AS SELECT ql_cmd_cruise_layer_web.cruise_id,, ql_cmd_cruise_layer_web.shape_wgs84::geometry(4326) AS shape_wgs84, ql_cmd_cruise_layer_web.cruise_data_url FROM oracle_fdw.ql_cmd_cruise_layer_web WITH DATA; The geom column holds both polygons and multipolygons, so I…