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Javascript concatenate select and input values in a text box – Jquery

I'd like to concatenate several values from selects and input fields on a final input field that contain all the values. What I have until now is this: $('#chosen_a').change(function() { $('#ddlNames').val($('#chosen_a option:selected').data('id')); console.log($('#chosen_a option:selected').data('id')); }) <script src=""></script> <select name="criteria_title" id="chosen_a"…


Mongodb – get does not return the data in express

I'm working with a simple GET request but it returns nothing in the browser with no warnings. I checked all the connections to Mongoose works perfectly and collection name are correct. const uriAtlas = "mongodb://localhost:27017/appfullMern"; mongoose.connect(uriAtlas).then(() => console.log("successful connexion DB")…


Mongodb – Cast to ObjectId failed for value "6283201d60c794631cd1ba33n" (type string) at path "_id" for model "Post"

I'm working on a social media project and getting this getting when I'm sending like/Unlike post request CastError: Cast to ObjectId failed for value "6283n" (type string) at path "_id" for model "Post" at model.Query.exec (E:social-media-app-mernnode_modulesmongooselibquery.js:4639:21) at model.Query.Query.then (E:social-media-app-mernnode_modulesmongooselibquery.js:4738:15) at…

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