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.Gitignore Issue in laravel

I am trying to put session and logs directories into .gitignore file in my Laravel 10 project, but they are not ignored and are still tracked. I have tried to delete the folders and create them again, but that didn’t…


Ubuntu – Azure DevOps error Repository with name or identifier does not exist or you do not have permissions

I am converting a Classic Azure build pipeline into a YAML pipeline and I have this step defined: parameters: RestoreBuildProjects: '**/*.csproj' buildConfiguration: 'Any CPU' TestProjects: '**/*Tests/*.csproj' stages: - stage: Build condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest')) jobs: - job: Build_Application continueOnError: false…


The Flutter Daemon failed to start

I was working in VS Code and accidentally rolled back the Flutter repository, which has caused Flutter to become unusable in my development environment. Now, when I try to use Flutter commands or run Flutter projects, nothing happens. I've tried…


Visual Studio Code – got stuck uploading a simple visual studio project to github

I started a Visual Studio project. To upload it to GitHub, I ran git add . but I got this error: open(".vs/projectdesign/FileContentIndex/362d2a41-e466-4aa4-a3cc-cb6615d99b12.vsidx"): Permission denied error: unable to index file '.vs/projectdesign/FileContentIndex/362d2a41-e466-4aa4-a3cc-cb6615d99b12.vsidx' fatal: adding files failed My repository is public if it…

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