Best way to keep your mySQL info out of a public repo
I am working on a website and using git. The repo is public but I don't want the mySQL info to be part of it. Should I just put the connection code in a file then block that file with…
I am working on a website and using git. The repo is public but I don't want the mySQL info to be part of it. Should I just put the connection code in a file then block that file with…
I am trying to put session and logs directories into .gitignore file in my Laravel 10 project, but they are not ignored and are still tracked. I have tried to delete the folders and create them again, but that didn’t…
I'm working on a wordpress plugin as part of a larger project. The wordpress install sits in a wordpress folder, I want to ignore all of the wordpress install except the specific plugin that I'm working on, so everything in…
I have a TeX project. I want to ignore some file extensions which I have added in the .gitignore file, but they are still shown as untracked files in git status. How to make git not track these files? A…
In most of my recent projects I've been using Flutter Version Management (FVM) to manage Flutter versions. I've noticed that the .fvm directory is commonly listed in .gitignore and thus not tracked in Flutter project repositories, which makes sense -…
I have added the files to gitignore but they keep getting pushed. Now I have even deleted this file but I keep getting this error. I've tried refreshing the git cache, still the error persists.
I've created a C++ file and it runs perfectly. But the problem comes when I push my code to GitHub. There is an executable file as the result of building my C++ program, and it's being added to source control.…
I am working in a MacOS with VSCODE. I have a remote repository on gitlab. I lost all of my files that were not tracked (all files in git ignore) I cannot remember exactly what commands led to this incident,…
I include node_modules in gitignore but still github desktop suggest changes to push.
I have two files .cat and .inf which are not mentioned in the .gitignore file. But still, they are greyed out in VS code which shows that they are not getting committed/uploaded to the git repo. my-file.inf I am…