Html – Prevent Element from Resizing on Page Scale
I'm making a chrome extension and I have a div element that I want to keep the same size and position no matter what. When a user goes to a web page and clicks (Ctr+Shift+(+ or -)) I want the…
I'm making a chrome extension and I have a div element that I want to keep the same size and position no matter what. When a user goes to a web page and clicks (Ctr+Shift+(+ or -)) I want the…
I'm trying to extract youtube video's titles but nothing works. I'm working on a chrome extension and i need to export the video's title. Here's my code so far: // Function to extract the song information from the YouTube page…
I have been working on a Firebase 9 and React app where I need to do Google login by Firebase. From my learning I got to know Firebase doesn't support Google Sign-in right now with manifest.json version 3. I came…
My popup won't load, links to the GitHub, file structure manafest.json, etc GitHub: manifest.json: I'm not sure if it is due to me trying to start using native messaging. Im also not %100 if the directories were right {…
I am writing a chrome extension and it needs to work on multiple sites. Is there away I can modify this tabs.query to detect additional urls other than amazon? It would be better if there was a way to detect…
trying to inject html to website and activeat button using the onclick function const locetion = document.querySelector("#app > div:nth-child(1)"); // set the locetion on the website for the injection var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = '<input type="search" id="mySearch" placeholder="Search for…
Hi it's my first time using JavaScript and HTML so I might be doing something wrong: I am trying to insert something new into a webpage using chrome extension, and my code sometimes work but sometimes not. For example, when…
I am trying to make a chrome extension for gmail and am currently tinkering around with InboxSDK but I am unable to figure out how do I access email body from the inbox list itself(without opening the email) to add…
I'm trying to test an extension designed to work only in my workplace (intranet). More specifically, I placed breakpoints in points of an alarm-triggered routine, where I read the system time at 2 specific times of the day; one close…
I have a chrome extension that blocks a few websites. I'm trying to make a toggle switch so that it will stop blocking the sites when the switch is toggled off. Currently, I have the html and css implemented into…