Flutter firebase firestore update value if contain "." => fail
print(hoursRanges[selectedHourRangeIndex!]); //output: 09.00 - 11.00 it separates the dots when I want to update the value
print(hoursRanges[selectedHourRangeIndex!]); //output: 09.00 - 11.00 it separates the dots when I want to update the value
I'm getting a collection from my Firestore database and adding the document values to an array in JS: var data = myCollection(); var myArray = []; data.forEach(function(data) { var splitPath = data.name.split('/'); var documentId = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1]; var name…
I had implemented a simple search functionality using the list in my provider and it worked. Now I have transferred my list over to firebase firestore and I don't know how to make the search functionality work on the list…
I have been using userCredential.additionalUserInfo!.isNewUser to check if the user is new but this method has a huge downside which i will explain. In my app, I want to check if the user is new then if yes I will…
current i am working to my school project using android studio, it is an attendance system where I store my data to Firestore and the user are able to download/export the data to become Excel file. What I am trying…
I'm using FireStore db and Angular 14. I want to add a custom field (a checkbox isAdmin) for every new user registration. This is my saveUser method: saveUser(firstName: any, lastName: any, email: any, password: any) { return from( createUserWithEmailAndPassword(this.auth, email,…
I mistakenly set a date field as a string when creating the database which i didn't realize and now the documents in the db has really increased so it stores the date number as a string in the firestore database…
Im writing an app in flutter, and im trying to make a messages document that stores a list of messages using the following: Future<void> updateStingrayMessageForLike( String chatId, String? stingrayid) async { return FirebaseFirestore.instance .collection('stingrays') .doc(stingrayid) .collection('messages') .doc(chatId) .set({'messages': []}, SetOptions(merge:…
I am using Formik to handle a form submission to create new real estate properties, which includes image upload. I have everything else working: I have a function that first uploads all of the images to storage and returns the…
let's say that i wanna update a serie of documents, i'm doing it using forEach like this. students.forEach(async (name) => { const docRef = doc(db, "students", name); await updateDoc(docRef, { school: "Some School", }); }); And it's working fine, but…