How to connect to GCP Memorystore redis from local?
I am able to access GCP Memorystore Redis from gcp cloud run through vpc connector. But how can I do that from my localhost ?
I am able to access GCP Memorystore Redis from gcp cloud run through vpc connector. But how can I do that from my localhost ?
I deployed a virtual machine using Deep Learning VM with Tesla A100 GPU, TensorFlow Enterprise 2.5 and CUDA 11.0. But I have no access to GPU/CUDA and get the following error. E tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] failed call to cuInit: CUDA_ERROR_UNKNOWN: unknown error…
I have a terraform script resource "google_compute_attached_disk" "default3" { disk = instance = } resource "google_compute_instance" "default" { name = "test" machine_type = "custom-8-16384" zone = "asia-south1-a" tags = ["foo", "bar"] boot_disk { initialize_params { image = "centos-cloud/centos-7"…
I have created the VM using GCP Console in browser. While creating VM, I selected the VM Image as "c2-deeplearning-pytorch-1-8-cu110-v20210619-debian-10". Also, I selected GPU as T4. VM gets created and started and it shows green icon in browser. Then I…
I just created a Google Deep Learning VM with this image: c1-deeplearning-tf-1-15-cu110-v20210619-debian-10 The tensorflow version is 1.15.5. But when I run nvidia-smi it says -bash: nvidia-smi: command not found. When I run nvcc --version I got nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda…
I had an instace VM called "wp-nginx-ssl-bitnami-vm-vm" but it disappeared. It no longer appears on the instances page. paid the platform normally without interruptions. I didn't find any log record about instance deletion. she just disappeared. how do i recover?
I installed Kubernetes ingress controller on GKE following the official documentation as following. kubectl apply -f The ingress controller runs fine. ingress-nginx-admission-create-dvkgp 0/1 Completed 0 5h29m ingress-nginx-admission-patch-58l4z 0/1 Completed 1 5h29m ingress-nginx-controller-65d7564f46-2rtjs 1/1 Running 0 5h29m It creates a…
I am looking to use GCP for a micro-services application. After comparing AWS and GCP I have decided to go with Google because one major requirement for the project is to schedule tasks to run in the future (Cloud Tasks)…
I am trying to connect to my Redis instance from my from my local machine by following this guide, where you create a Compute Engine instance to use for port forwarding to the Redis instance. I was able to create…
I am trying to configure a Prometheus instance on a compute engine on GCP to scrape metrics from several compute engine instances. About that, everything should be standard but how should I configure Prometheus to individuate automatically new Compute Engines…