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Amazon web services – Google drive API returns 429 error to create files inside us-east-1 AWS but not in other zone

When my application tries to create files, I get this error. However, it doesn't happen locally, and it doesn't happen in other AWS regions either. raise HttpError(resp, content, uri=self.uri) googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 429 when requesting returned "Too Many Requests". Details:…


Html – fancybox not loading gdrive link

Was setting up a carousal, but fancybox not loading gdrive image file link <a data-fancybox="gallery1" href="<file id>/view?usp=sharing"><a> any idea why, does fancybox have any access issues with drive files thumbnails working though tried gdrive preview links. still meh


Html – Why now can't play audio from gdrive file?

I have code like this: <audio id="player" autoplay controls> <source src="" type="audio/mp3"> </audio> Originally, the code above was supposed to play a song from a file on the drive. However, for some reason, it's not working anymore. Has anyone experienced…

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