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Javascript – Parse CSV number as text

I am trying to import the following CSV data into a Google Sheet, preserving the number format "0001,0002,0003" as a string. CSV file 0001,0002,0003 test,test2,test3 I tried using Tanaike's code: Google Sheets Import CSV popup function importCsv(e){ if (!e) {…


Json – How to iterate through nested array in C#?

I have a console C# app and i use Google Sheets API to get data from spreadsheet. API returns me the following: {"majorDimension":"ROWS","range":"Sheet1!A2:H1000","values":[["Test1","20/07/2023","21/07/2023"],["Test2","10/08/2023","12/08/2023"]],"ETag":null} These "values" are actually the values from the cells, and I need to loop through those values…

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