Horizontally Center Last Odd Item of Gridview or ListView in Flutter
Horizontally Center Last Odd Item of Gridview or ListView I tried staggeredGridView but it doesnt have alignment.
Horizontally Center Last Odd Item of Gridview or ListView I tried staggeredGridView but it doesnt have alignment.
I work on asp.net web forms with c# I need to add checkbox column as last column on gridview but i don't know how to add it static string con = "Data Source=DESKTOP-L558MLK\AHMEDSALAHSQL;" + "Initial Catalog=UnionCoop;" + "User id=sa;" +…
at the moment I am using GridView.builder to create a layout of venues which looks like this: standard gridview layout. The only problem is, I want the layout to look like this instead (i.e. after every 4 cards arranged in…
i Just need to create some thing like this and it's scrollable to horizontal there is another set this available when we scroll to right i just did like this but not worked i hope i did something that's not…
I have a gridview builder like this and in this gridview builder im scrolling posts with page; GridView.builder( physics: ScrollPhysics(), gridDelegate: SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount( crossAxisCount: 2, ), itemCount: listt.length, itemBuilder: (context, index) { return GestureDetector( onTap: () => navigateToDetail(listt[index]), child: Hero( tag:…
I have a gridview widget but I want to make it re usable so I can reuse it in many places without writing it again and again. I have write it but I am facing one issue, here is the…
When I run the following code on an iPhone, the GridView bounces. If the contents of the GridView over the iPhone screen size, I want it to scroll, but if it is within the iPhone screen size, I do not…
When I run the following code on an iPhone, the GridView bounces. If the contents of the GridView over the iPhone screen size, I want it to scroll, but if it is within the iPhone screen size, I do not…
This is the error I'm getting. The data is being retrieved through WebAPI, but due to a gridview setting, it is not displaying the retrieved data. protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("https://localhost:44342/api/author"); var webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse(); if ((webResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) && (webResponse.ContentLength > 0)) { var reader = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream()); string s = reader.ReadToEnd(); var arr = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JArray>(s); //Console.WriteLine(arr); GridView1.DataSource = arr; GridView1.DataBind();…
I have two data grid views with button fields. I have to grant and revoke functions to as particular role. if I click the grant button it should be removed from the current grid view and should be shown in…