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Identify FROM line from Docker Image

I have an image from a colleague and the original version of the Dockerfile was lost that was used to create it. I used alpine/dfimage to rebuild everything in the Dockerfile except the first line (FROM). According to Artifactory, the…


How to get get latest nodejs:14 digest version in Docker file

Is there any command/way to get latest digest(sha256) for amazon/aws-lambda-nodejs:14. Currently, we are manually setting digest version sha256. Like, give below. FROM amazon/aws-lambda-nodejs:14@sha256:621368a9c8cbf474b60ae9092725f6ea7ae4f9b0ac7a9229039e25157bad990b We end up getting vulnerabilities after some time for the Docker image. Please suggest a way/command in…


Redis cache for news articles

I have a bunch of news articles (~100k at the moment). Every article can be connected with more than one category. So I have two keys article URL and category. I need to store this articles in Redis and need…

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