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How can I change location of default database for the warehouse?(spark) – Ubuntu

... <property> <name>hive.metastore.warehouse.dir</name> <value>hdfs://spark-master-01:9000/skybluelee/skybluelee_warehouse_mysql_5.7</value> <description>location of default database for the warehouse</description> </property> ... the code is a part of /user/spark3/conf/hive-site.xml At first the value was hdfs://spark-master-01:9000/kikang/skybluelee_warehouse_mysql_5.7 And I changed the value hdfs://spark-master-01:9000/skybluelee/skybluelee_warehouse_mysql_5.7 Below there is a code and result println(spark.conf.get("spark.sql.warehouse.dir"))…


LateInitializationError hive using bloc – Flutter

======== Exception caught by widgets library ======================================================= The following LateError was thrown building KeyedSubtree-[GlobalKey#74540]: LateInitializationError: Field '_persondb' has not been initialized. The relevant error-causing widget was: Scaffold Scaffold:file:///C:/Users/Prive/StudioProjects/tanja/lib/person/screens/personsScreen/personsSreen.dart:18:16 When the exception was thrown, this was the stack: C:/b/s/w/ir/cache/builder/src/out/host_debug/dart-sdk/lib/internal/js_dev_runtime/private/ddc_runtime/errors.dart 266:49 throw…


call hive in graphql – Flutter

I would like to retrieve sessionToken and authToken from Hive, then put it inside GraphQLClient main.dart GetIt sl = GetIt.instance; void main() async { // Register Service locator await initAuthServiceLocator(sl); .... await sl.allReady(); runApp(...); } initAuthServiceLocator Future<void> initAuthServiceLocator( GetIt sl,…

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