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How to dynamically retrieve the content text of a HTML tag and its child tags?

I would like to know how to dynamically retrieve the content text of a HTML tag and its child tags? Here is my HTML code, for example: <p><code>C:<select> <option value="test1">test1</option> <option value="test2">test2</option> </select>test3<select> <option value="test4">test4</option> <option value="test5">test5</option> </select>test6<select> <option value="test7">test7</option>…


How do get a dropdown of all countries in WordPress

Is there a shorter way to get all countries populated options, instead of writing options one by one, in the following dropdown? <select name="input-country" id="input-country" class="form-control form-control-alternative"> <option value="">Select a country / region…</option> <option value="AF">Afghanistan</option> <option value="AX">Åland Islands</option> <option value="AL">Albania</option>…


Html – disable select for certain input

I want to disable a select attribute when my type = radio input is checked. Here's the part of the code i'm talking about: <input id="societeInterne" name="radioSociete" type="radio" value="Interne"/><label>Interne / </label> <input id="societeExterne" name="radioSociete" type="radio" value="Externe"/><label>Externe - </label> <label for="PrestataireStit">…

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