Mimic Photoshop RGB levels with CSS and SVG filter
I've done this in the past and I know it exists, but for some reason I don't find it right now (wasted couple of hours with no success). I want to mimic the Photoshop RGB levels via CSS. On the…
I've done this in the past and I know it exists, but for some reason I don't find it right now (wasted couple of hours with no success). I want to mimic the Photoshop RGB levels via CSS. On the…
first of all let all knows, i used other theme and i put bootstrap modal and collapse but it's not working i don't know why its doing like this. see link: Click on here for see what is problem i…
I'm trying to apply a mask as it works in Photoshop. Black is transparent, white is visible. However, the composite modes don't allow for this, I think. I can only find modes where it uses the alpha channel, but I'd…
By clicking on the X. I want to hide the div that houses my iFrame. I inserted the iFrame with jQuery. I created a jsFiddle with my example. Right now if I can just get "clicked" into the console when…
So, I created an image in photoshop that is 1920x1080 and I've spliced it into sections, so that the images that require a link can have an javascript tag attached to them for a link. I want the images to…
I`m trying to build a cool gallery for my photography website: I thought i`m already done. On my computer i looks pretty cool, so i uploaded it to my Webspace on Webgo. The problem is the loading time of the…
I have a vignette on my stock image created with box-shadow. It looks good, but sometimes when I press button that is on top of that vignette or when I select text then it dissapears only in the region of…
Right now my posts can only be clicked by clicking the title, but I would love for the entire image to link to each individual post. <article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class('card-box col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-12 col-xs-12'); ?>> <div class="card" data-background="image"…
Following the 12 grid system of bootstrap how would I place the image code below in example one below the class jumbotron text-centre in the centre? How would I use media queries to ensure the image is responsive and fits…
Q1 How can I remove the white line under the navigation bar on section 1/2? I have tried changing the html layout incase I a line gap was the issue which caused this to occur. However, I have had no…