Html – How to make text and img in a div the same size
I am trying to create a div that contains an img and a text over the img. The text will be with different size depending on the case, so I want to automatically adjust the width of the img to…
I am trying to create a div that contains an img and a text over the img. The text will be with different size depending on the case, so I want to automatically adjust the width of the img to…
I have this code <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="cs"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <style> @font-face { font-family: 'Styrene Black'; src: url('StyreneAWeb-Black.ttf') format('truetype'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Styrene Bold'; src: url('StyreneAWeb-Bold.ttf') format('truetype'); } @font-face { font-family: 'Styrene Medium'; src:…
I am getting this type of padding /border . Click the link below to view. [Inconsistent padding in tailwind] Want like this ( I was trying to get border with gradient from top to bottom of purple-900 to purple-600. But…
Actually, my problem is ,its not auto playing the audio in song (chinese.mp3)file. I gave it on github. no error (console) no glitch in website . but, just audio is missing. can you help me out? ----link of my Memory…
So im trying to link the css from my home folder, and my favicon to one of my pages in a different branch/folder, but it isnt working. my code <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>TheAlphaLeopard</title> <link rel="shortcut icon"…
I've been working on a complex animation for our company's website, but I'm encountering a jittering issue that I can't seem to resolve. The animation involves a combination of CSS transitions and JavaScript for controlling various interactive elements. When the…
I have this header that should take up the whole width of the screen. However, when I open inspect element in Google Chrome and shrink the width of the webpage, the header's background color does not cover the full header.…
While I know wrapping a paragraph inside a heading like this: <h1><p>Lorem<br>Ipsum</p></h1> is invalid (see this question for example), it still renders correctly in all major browsers. But as soon as I load the page inside an iFrame, it does…
I have now been scratching my head a long time as to how to make a sticky navbar on top of the content of the page. I have a webpage that contains a header, a main block, and a footer.…
I have two HTML files: index.html and zoomerror.html. The site only displays properly at a browser zoom level of 80%. Is there a way that I can use Javascript to detect the zoom level non-stop and redirect the page from…