Jquery – Drag And drop library for Javascript Script
I am relatively new to java script. I wanted to create a project where in I will need to drag and drop to rearrange the order of items. I have no idea how to approach this, I was wondering if…
I am relatively new to java script. I wanted to create a project where in I will need to drag and drop to rearrange the order of items. I have no idea how to approach this, I was wondering if…
I have a main page and on this page there is "Add question" button, and if clicked the expected behaviour should be that a collapsible div will appear on the top of the page and also an overlay layer between…
I have the following code: <div class="flex-auto overflow-y-auto"> <mat-tab-group [animationDuration]="'0'" headerPosition="below" mat-stretch-tabs="false" > <div cdkScrollable> <!-- Tab #1 --> <mat-tab label="List 1"> <!-- TAB CONTENT GOES HERE --> <app-leads></app-leads> </mat-tab> <!-- Tab #2 --> <mat-tab label="List 2"> <!-- TAB CONTENT…
Even after applying z-index -1 on the ::after the stacking context of the ::after is not the way I want it to be and I have watched and researched a lot and still am unable to solve this issue I…
I'm working on a PHP web application and having trouble displaying images in my admin dashboard. The images are stored in the directory /var/www/html/online_shop/public/photo_product, but they are not showing up on the page. Here’s a summary of my setup and…
Trying to submit a form using ajax, but it's just not working $('#Submit').on('click',function(){ $.ajax({ type: 'get', url: 'ItemProcessor.php', data: $('#input_form').serialize(), success: function(response){ alert(response) }, error: function(){ alert('error') } }) event.preventDefault() }) <form id="input_form"> <input type="image" src="AddToCart.png" id="Submit"/> <input type="number" id…
Currently, when I hover over an item in the navbar, a horizontal drop-down menu opens like this (note the width of the drop-down menu): What would i like to achieve? I would like to widen the dropdown menu horizontally like…
I'm making a game where you can click on a block to reveal a letter. The blocks are animated with a "glowing" effect, where they change color by fading to white and back to the original color. This effect lasts…
I have a grid. Each cell will be an image with a max-width (used simple colored div in ex). Is there a way to have the grid automatically add another column when the images reach their max-width instead of just…
my goal is to set the sticky div initially to visibility: hidden. After scrolling more than 200px, the button should appear with visibility: visible. Is there a workaround to achieve this only with CSS, without JavaScript? In pure CSS, there…