Html – center megamenu div under nav button
I have used some code which I got from W3 schools to create a megamenu. I want the box to appear centred to the nav button selected, not centred to the whole page. I'm not really concerned about the mini…
I have used some code which I got from W3 schools to create a megamenu. I want the box to appear centred to the nav button selected, not centred to the whole page. I'm not really concerned about the mini…
I wrote this code for a flag "NZ REDPEAK FLAG", I have the two black and blue triangles done. But this red triangle is supposed to be an isosceles triangle, congruent to the empty space in the center but smaller…
My HTML is this: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Aerocello</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet.css"> <body> <div class="gallery" *ngFor="let image of images; let i = index;"> <img src="logo2.png" alt="logo" class="centre"> <script> // if (what goes here?) { //…
I want to make an HTML/CSS leadsheet for music. I am using a HTML table to arrange the chords just above the lyrics: <tr> <td>Csus4</td> <td>G</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Ly</td> <td>rics</td> </tr> </table> Output: I want that the remaining space between…
I am trying to create a exact rectangle curve shape [brown color] section with border as like in the below image I able to create exact shape with mask css property but unable to add the border top to the…
I'm working on a webpage where I want text to behave in a specific way when it overflows its container: instead of breaking in the middle of a word, the entire word should move to the next line. Here's what…
I’m trying to build a card navigation feature in JavaScript where clicking on a card displays its content in a hiddenCard element, and I can navigate between cards using left and right arrow buttons. Selecting Cards and the Hidden Card:…
I want to have HTML element to expand downwards and at the end I would like it to do a little bounce, something like cubic-bezier function could do. So I have set transition: height ... in CSS to animate changes…
I have created a simple progress bar in HTML using JavaScript. The animation of this progress bar works correctly when the page is refreshed, but I want it to restart from the beginning once it completes and repeat indefinitely in…
I created an HTML table with four columns. I want the third column to have a maximum width of 50px. However, the column width is not being applied as expected. The table should take up 100% of the width of…