Html – Shifting focus to a group element in an svg
Shifting focus to a group element in an svg I have a tall and wide svg, generated by graphviz. If I open the svg with a browser I can search for text and focus will move to show the sought…
Shifting focus to a group element in an svg I have a tall and wide svg, generated by graphviz. If I open the svg with a browser I can search for text and focus will move to show the sought…
I have a button to which I applied a costant, rotating animation. @keyframes rotateinf { from { transform: rotate( 0deg); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); } } The problem is: the child text gets the animation applied too. I managed…
I'm a beginner with only 2 months experience in front-end. I'm trying to make a simple web-grid game. I've got a 10x10 grid table (grid container with 100 div child elements in it), and my goal is that, when the…
I have a simple html hierarchy: <div> <div> <div class="custom-class">whatever</div> </div> <div> <div class="custom-class">whatever</div> </div> <div> <div class="custom-class">thing i want to select</div> </div> </div> I am currently adding attributes to .custom-class but would like to add a specific attribute to…
Sample image of the situation I am building a portfolio with bootstrap and I have carousal on the top, but it is overflowing more which make it to scroll horizontally. Carousal html <div id="carouselExampleIndicators" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel"> <ol class="carousel-indicators"> <li…
I'm new to Blazor and trying to figure out how Blazor renders components into HTML tags. If I use a simple component like this: <InputText @bind-Value="testvalue" id="sample-textbox></InputText> @code { public string testvalue = "abc123"; } Then I run my app,…
Not sure if I'm tired or what. Trying to make setup where there are multiple elements with span class which when hovered upon will make appear some text in a Div. Any tips on how to make this work and…
I need some help as I am a complete newbie when it comes to HTML and CSS. I am trying to create something like this: I can generate the entire container itself but the placement of the Blog Title, Blog…
Let's say I have a list of checkboxes inside a <fieldset>. I want the user to be able to filter this list (given that this is pretty big), that is, you type something in this input, and only the checkboxes…
I want several text links that when they are hovered over a text is displayed below in a DIV. For example if text called Ice cream is hovered upon with mouse then below in DIV a text is displayed about…