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What would be my condition if the users membership date is already passed or expired? and I have these kind of code: – PHP

<?php //These came from my database $_SESSION['dateOfMembershipEnds'] = $row['dateOfMembershipEnds']; if(empty($email)){ echo '<script>alert("Email is required!")</script>'; }else if(empty($password)){ echo '<script>alert("Password is required!")</script>'; }else if(strtotime($_SESSION['dateOfMembershipEnds']) >= date("Y-m-d")){ echo '<script>alert("Your Subscription Mr/Ms: '.$_SESSION['username'].' is already expired") </script>'; ?> I am expecting in my code…


If Statement in React Native

I'm having issues writing an If statement in React Native. I'm building the mobile version of my React Js project where I already have the "if" statement but I'm not being able to write it in Native. Here is what…

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